Stamford Schools

Together we are Stamford

We began working with Stamford Endowed Schools in 2016 and since then have designed publications, created advertising campaigns, Open Day collateral and have most recently designed, built and launched their new website showcasing ‘Together we are Stamford’ ahead of their fully co-educational transition in September 2023.

We have always worked with SES as an extension of their in-house marketing team and being a local independent school, we pride ourselves on having an in-depth understanding of their goals.

Following months of development and hard work with our partner Dsquared we have a new school website. Our objectives at the start of the project were to improve site navigation and style, as well as fully reflect our outstanding and unique school as we move to co-educational learning from September 2023. We also wanted to convey our happy students and Stamfordian Spirit. Huge thanks to the team at Dsquared for their creative design and build.

Amy Lindley, Stamford Schools

The Adventures of Spede

Our creative team have supported SES in evolving their brand and pushing the creative boundaries. From creating the ‘adventures of Spede’ characters for their Junior School prospectus (which was developed across all channels for early years marketing) to designing a bold sixth form design to reflect independence, we have gained a unique understanding of what works to drive recruitment at each entry point.

Navigating the journey

For the Schools’ co-educational website, our development team utilised Craft CMS to build a dynamic, adaptable and user-centric site. One of our main goals was to create streamlined navigation with a modern takeover-style menu to clearly help guide each of their main user groups to the pages they need. We also developed a secondary colour palette and design style to differentiate each of the school stages - nursery, junior, senior and sixth form - to act as a signpost for parents when they are exploring each area.



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