
An international animal feed company offering total feed solutions for conventional and organic livestock farming.

Total piglet performance 

ForFarmers approached us to design a creative approach to give their new piglet starter feed, VIDA, a fresh look, making it more relatable whilst getting across the nutritional benefits of this premium product to their target audience. 

Working closely with the Head of Marketing, we developed ‘the people behind your pigs’, which focused on the expert team of pig specialists and the added value farmers get from the VIDA approach. After designing the look and feel, we produced a showreel for their digital platforms and a direct mail-piece to target new customers. This integrated campaign leveraged VIDA as an innovative premium feed to existing ForFarmers customers whilst showcasing the benefits of VIDA to prospective pig farmers. 

After launching the VIDA showreel across their digital channels, it generated 20k views, with 12k unique viewers watching the showreel in full - a great result for such a targeted audience of specialist pig farmers.

Working in harmony 

After the success of the VIDA creatives, we were tasked with creating an animated video and direct mail campaign to promote their first app, DataView, supporting broiler producers to maximise performance and profitability. We created the ‘cogs’ concept to show the different factors working together for measurable success. The cogs were rolled out across several channels, including direct mail, adverts and on a dedicated landing page

Alongside an animation and leaflet to promote the benefits of this new digital tool, we also created a ‘how to’ user guide for producers designed to mimic the app and fit in a pocket as a quick reference when they are working.

It looks fantastic! Thank you so much for your hard work on this. We’re really proud of it and we hope your team are too!

Holly Goodchild, Head of Marketing & Communications at ForFarmers