City College Peterborough

City College Peterborough supports thousands of students every year to learn new skills and gain qualifications to help them get into work and improve their career prospects.

We were tasked with creating a bespoke website for City College Peterborough to raise awareness of their higher education provision and make them stand out as the first choice for adult learning courses in Peterborough. With increased competition City College wanted their new site to reflect their USPs and values to ‘put them back on the map.’

Our digital team utilised Craft CMS to build City College Peterborough a unique, flexible, and user-friendly site. With the vast array of course options available, we seamlessly integrated the college course database to ensure that the website prioritised the user experience whilst being easy to manage from a data point of view. Through the design we set out to reflect the college’s unique personality and created a photography style to shape the look and feel of the site with authentic images of their students.


Course Page